Remuneration structure

Information on the remuneration policy and remuneration practice

As an asset management company, HANSAINVEST is subject to the requirements of the Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch (KAGB – German Capital Investment Code). Section 37 KAGB regulates the remuneration systems that apply to the remuneration of managing directors and all employees at HANSAINVEST.

HANSAINVEST reviews its remuneration system once a year. This review is also carried out regularly in terms of compliance with legal requirements. The remuneration systems are discussed with the Supervisory Board each year.

In the event of any changes to the company or risk strategy, an additional review of the remuneration policy and practice is conducted so as to make any changes required to account for the new conditions.

Remuneration structure

Managing directors 

Remuneration for managing directors at HANSAINVEST is organised on the basis of individual contracts. It comprises monthly fixed remuneration and an annual bonus. The amount of the bonus is discussed and determined by the Supervisory Board as a whole and is not based on the success of individual funds.

Senior management

Remuneration for senior management is organised on the basis of individual contracts. It comprises monthly fixed remuneration and an annual bonus or performance-based remuneration. Performance-based remuneration is calculated on the basis of target agreements reached at the start of a year and the level of target attainment by the end of the year.

The variable share of total remuneration must not account for more than 30% of fixed remuneration. It does not provide an incentive to take a disproportionately large risk for individual funds, as remuneration does not depend on the performance of individual funds.


Employee remuneration is based on the collective agreement for the insurance sector. Depending on the activity and responsibility, they are remunerated in accordance with their pay scale group.