Werte & Sicherheit - Nachhaltiger Stiftungsfonds (I)

Status: 12/02/2024

Fund profile

Inception date
Total fund assets 11.7 M EUR
Fund currency EUR
Current issue price EUR55.25 (12/03/2024)
Current return price EUR55.25 (12/03/2024)
Annual high (redemption price) EUR55.53 (10/21/2024)
Annual low (redemption price) EUR51.89 (01/18/2024)
Performance current year n/a (12/03/2024)
ø Performance
Since launch p.a.
10.69 % (12/03/2024)
Issue charge 0.00 %
Redemption charge 0.00 %
End of fiscal year Jun 30
Dividend Payout
Total expense ratio 1.36 % p.a.
Management fee   therefrom 1.22 % p.a.
Custodian fee   therefrom 0.20 % p.a.
Capital accumulation benefits capable no
Savings plan no
Single payment no
Conformity yes
Registered for distribution DE

Key figures

Coefficient of determination 0.07

This is detail text.